UCITS Directive 1985:
- To harmonize the sale and marketing of ICS to retail investors.
- To create a single market and to impose a common set of investment parameters, restrictions and supervision.
- Ultimately failed its objectives.
- Failed to envisage the growth of complexity of CIS potentially structured within UCITS
Planned amendments and augmentations to UCITS 1985. Never materialized as they were bogged down in the European Council.
- A re-initiation of the extension of UCITS in 2002.
- Consisting of the Product Directive and the Management Directive.
- Extended the definition of eligible securities to transferable securities, listed securities, money market instruments, other regulated CIS, derivatives and index tracker funds.
- Introduced the Simplified Prospectus intended to be more accessible, clear and concise.
- Effort was tabled July 2009.
- Expected adoption July 2011.
- Aims to replace Simplified Prospectus with a Key Information Document which will include a risk ranking (ranging from 1 to 7).
- To facilitate mergers between UCITS.
- To allow Master Feeder structures.
- To hopefully finally be truly passportable across borders.
- A New Hope?
Current State:
- UCITS AUM = 5.6 trillion EUR.
- Increasing investor interest from outside Europe: Asia, KatAm, Mid East.
- Can be registered in HK and Singapore for retail distribution.