The Focus on Inflation
Monday, 15 February 2021 | 9:02 am
You will hear a lot of talk about inflation in the financial media. Here are some thoughts about it. I don’t think inflation will rise or if it does that it will be protracted. But I am keeping my interest rate sensitivity low and keeping a keen eye on inflation data. Asset markets have either
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Inflation and Secular Stagnation. Causes and Remedies.
Wednesday, 16 December 2020 | 9:31 am
Why is inflation so low? Why is economic growth so slow despite the efforts of central banks and governments? One possible view of the world: The identity MV = PQ is, precisely that, an identity. So as central banks inflate the money supply, why does growth not accelerate, and prices not rise? It must be
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Ten Seconds Into The Future 2020 07
Friday, 17 July 2020 | 3:46 pm
A detailed discussion is too long to fit in the margin, so without justification or validation, here are some forecasts. During the COVID lockdowns, schools have been shut and are struggling to reopen. This cohort of students face disruptions to their education which could lead to a future shortage of skilled labour. Labour costs may
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Thoughts About FX. USD vs RMB.
Saturday, 09 May 2020 | 4:12 pm
The basic and easy stuff USD will be strong for the foreseeable future. USD is a haven currency and as the economic crisis persists or matures, preference for USD will remain. USD remains the settlement currency of choice for the vast majority of international trade. The US economy is the strongest and is expected to
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Deflation Then Inflation
Saturday, 02 May 2020 | 9:54 am
At this time of COVID19 pandemic, social and economic disruption and recession, I can see instantaneous deflation due to the demand shock, but I also see a longer term trend of rising prices. This could present investment opportunities, and risks, and would certainly complicate monetary policy. Given the acute reduction in demand, deflation is the more
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